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Join The Team

Each member of the Gillette Group is hand-selected based upon high standards. We have a vision for a small but mighty, hand-crafted real estate team. Our team is just the right size. We thrive in this environment, with a highly selective group of agents. We’re committed to making a positive impact in our community, while maintaining our intimate style and providing the absolute best possible experience for our clients.

We are excited to announce that the Gillette Group is growing and we are opening up interviews for full time Realtor positions in 2023!

*Applicants must have at least one year of experience as a full time Realtor and all inquiries will be kept 100% confidential.

If you’re interested in learning more please complete the form below:

    Please prove you are human by selecting the Tree.

    If you love video like us, please also send a video to [email protected], answering the following questions:

    – What position are you interested in?
    – What is your experience?
    – What makes you a great fit?
    – What do you like about our team and how you could add value?
    – Is there anything else you think we should know?

    The Gillette Group is built around six core values, they are the foundations of our culture.

    INTEGRITY – We conduct ourselves with high ethical standards, demonstrating honesty and fairness in every decision and action. We believe in kindness, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect.

    HARD WORK – We work hard and smart. We strive to deliver a level of service that is above and beyond what is expected. We don’t cut corners. We never miss a beat. We are always available.

    OUR CLIENTS – We treat our clients like family and are obsessed with helping them achieve their Real Estate goals. Their goals become ours. We ask questions, listen to understand needs, and host frequent client appreciation events. It’s our unending desire to be their Realtor for life.

    EXCELLENCE – We strive to maintain a reputation of excellence.

    BETTER THAN YESTERDAY – We’re growth-minded and forward thinking. We believe that our only competition is who we were yesterday. We continue to learn and expand our expertise to serve our clients even better, and consistently sharpen our skills. Our ongoing professional development, combined with our market expertise, allows us to provide excellence in all we do. We’re social media experts, are tech-savvy, and embrace change.

    PLAN TO SUCCEED – We’re intentional. We focus on results, not to-do’s. We’re clear in our expectations. We anticipate, and believe that you can achieve anything if you’re focused, hard-working and have a plan. We manage our time well, plan, schedule, waste less, prioritize better, and work efficiently. We prioritize our health, family, relationships, faith and community.

    GIVING BACK – We’re giving, care about people and believe in showing up for others. Our business is intimately connected to the neighborhoods and communities in which we work and live. We’re committed to serving our community consistently, as well as giving away 10% of our earnings to deserving causes.

    WE CHOOSE JOY – We love selling real estate, and anchor ourselves in joy and a positive outlook on life.

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